Struck-by injuries in the construction trades are so common and can be so serious that OSHA has made them part of their Focus Four emphasis program. Discover what constitutes a struck-by hazard, review common workplace hazards in both construction and general industry, and identify controls to eliminate or reduce the hazard.
Pinnacol has created resources to help you better understand the risks associated with Struck-by hazards in the workplace.
Check out our additional online trainings covering struck-by hazard awareness and and other topics through Pinnacol's Safety Education Online. To learn more or to request enrollment, check out our Safety Education Online page.
The How to Prevent Struck-By Injuries poster was created for posting in lunchrooms, employee lounges or other areas commonly used by employees.
This four-color, 11 x 17 poster is designed to help employees identify and report uncontrolled hazards, making their workplace safer. The accompanying toolbox talk encourages employees to actively participate in developing a safer workplace. Click the image to order or download the poster.