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Kevin Simonton

Senior Human Performance Specialist


Kevin Simonton

Senior Human Performance Specialist

Kevin Simonton began working at Pinnacol Assurance in 2002 as a safety consultant before focusing on workplace ergonomics in 2004. He works closely with policyholders to identify and address workplace practices to reduce costly musculoskeletal injuries, the largest class of workers’ compensation claims. His education and 28 years of work experience in ergonomics make Simonton uniquely qualified for his job. Before coming to Pinnacol, he was the corporate ergonomics manager for Qwest Communications, an ergonomist for the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries and the ergonomics consultant for Lutheran Medical.

Simonton holds a bachelor’s in exercise science and biomechanics from the University of Oregon, as well as a master’s in human factors and ergonomics from the University of Southern California. He has an Associate in Risk Management (ARM) certification and is a Certified Professional Ergonomist (CPE).

As Pinnacol’s ergonomics specialist, Simonton supports the loss prevention needs of our policyholders throughout Colorado.

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