March 11, 2020

Remote work options for businesses

Looking for productive remote work tasks for your team?

Pinnacol’s Return to Work team helps policyholders plan strategies to keep injured workers engaged in the workplace as they heal until ready to return to normal duties. They can also assist you in finding possibilities for remote work within your business.

If your business is considering remote work, here are some possible remote task options, curated by our team:

  • Conducting market research
  • Reviewing online reviews for the business
  • Updating or obtaining certifications through Webinar or online training
  • Translating services through teleconference or electronic meeting
  • Reviewing or creating project-/task-specific plans
  • Buying/selling things online (e.g., old equipment)
  • Ordering products
  • Updating records such as SDS information
  • Researching safety-related content to share with the team electronically or telephonically
  • Assembling marketing/advertising mailings
  • Performing data entry
  • Developing sales leads
  • Performing any kind of research
  • Conducting teleconference/electronic meetings
  • Assembling of packets – could be new hire, teaching resources, customer mailings, etc.
  • Performing telemedicine/care
  • Development of training programs
  • Doing small assembly that can be brought/completed at home
  • Bill collection via telephone/computer
  • Contacting local municipalities to secure building permits and schedule inspections
  • Tutoring/training via teleconference or electronic meeting
  • Logging and tracking dates and documents
  • Customer support via telephone or computer
  • Contacting customers to schedule repairs and installs
  • Contacting customers to complete post job surveys
  • Contacting vendors to order supplies and schedule deliveries and services
  • Assisting with worker scheduling
  • Providing estimates for jobs using pictures and measurements

Pinnacol’s Return to Work team is a group of skilled vocational professionals who can help you be creative and find solutions should you need an alternative for your normal business operations. Would you like to learn more about identifying remote options within your business? Contact Pinnacol's Return to Work Specialist, Jackie Geib, at or 303.361.4798 for assistance.